Core Java Tutorial

Core Java Tutorial

What is Final Keyword in Java

Final Keyword

Final keyword can be used with class, variable and methods. final keyword in a method declaration to indicate that the method cannot be overridden by subclasses.

Final class

Final class cannot be extended i.e. creating subclass is not allowed for final class.



final class Student


 // more code.


class Test extends Student // will create an compiler error



Final Method

Final method cannot be overridden in its subclass. I.e. the method you have return should be used as it in your subclass without changing it


public class Student


 public int cube(int i)


  return i * i * I;



Final variable

Final variable or we call this as a constant, it cannot be changed in any part of your code. Final keyword is applicable to all Example you can declare fields like

final float PI=3.14f;

Its good practice to add static keyword to a final member variable since all object created for that class will be have a same value.

static final PI=3.14f;