Oracle Java 8 needs Commercial license for business and Production purposes

Oracle will not support further updates of Java SE 8 to its public download sites for commercial use after January 2019.

Customers who need continued access to critical bug fixes and security fixes, as well as general maintenance for Java SE 8 or previous versions, can get long term support through

  • Oracle Java SE Advanced,
  • Oracle Java SE Advanced Desktop, or
  • Oracle Java SE Suite.

But Oracle promises to maintain its Oracle JDK interchangeable with OpenJDK

OracleJDK and OpenJDK being interchangeable from releases of Java SE 11 and later. the Oracle JDK will primarily be for commercial and support customers.

OpenJDK builds from Oracle are for those who do not want commercial support or enterprise management tools.

Refer list of Public release and Bundle Path Release(BPR). BPR will be available only to their Oracle customers.

Expecting most of the developers and organization will migrate to OpenJDK 11 once it is released.

